Thursday, April 1, 2010

RIP Father Paul J. Strittmatter, S. J.

I am writing about another sad event that has happened in my life and the lives of many, many people. I have worked at our church for at least 20 years. The last 13 were with a wonderful man, who was a Jesuit priest, Fr Paul Strittmatter. He died suddenly of a heart attack March 30th at the age of 63. Our whole town is in shock. He wasn't just a priest, he was a friend to every one in our town, and nearby towns. There probably wasn't anyone he didn't know because he would go up to them and introduce himself if they were strangers. He had a weekly date to play cribbage with someone in town. And boy did Fr Paul love to beat anyone who was sure they could beat Father. I never played it with him because I knew he could beat me with his eyes closed. I have lots of stories about Fr Paul that I'd like to share in the future.


Em said...

I am saddened as I read your CELEBRATION of your friend, peer and a community hero. Wish I was there to hug you. Love, Em

Jean said...

This is terrible news. Is this the priest I met that day I was there? I am so sorry for your loss.