I enjoyed taking care of my granddaughter over the last 5 days even tho she still has an ear infection and wasn't her normal active self. Do you know how hard it is to convince a 2 1/2 year old to let you put drops in her ear? Her folks will be home tomorrow and will be taking her back to the doctor to see how it looks. At least she isn't running a temp any longer. We watched some cartoon movies that she has seen many, many times before. It was so cute, once in awhile she would start singing with the movie. Grandchildren are so much fun! But I am upset with myself because I forgot to take any pictures of her.

You are such a good grandma & if you think 2 1/2 is tough, try putting them in a 9 year old's ear when they won't let you! Sorry, I have none of this fabric or I would send it to you post haste!
Sorry I can't help with the fabric, but I hope your granddaughter is improving.
No, sorry, don't have it...glad she is doing better.
I don't have any of the fabric you're looking for. Sorry! Glad to hear your grandie is improving. There are LOTS of baby bugs, infections and viruses going around this winter. Three of our grandies have caught every one of them, and so has their Mom!
Patty, I'm so sorry, I don't have any of the fabric you need or you would surely be welcome to it but I had a thought. Most fabric designers collections will almost always blend with one another. For instance almost every Fig Tree collection, though different prints and designs all have the same shades, hues and colors in them. I have seen many people combine newer and older collections and they work beautifully. Have you considered trying another French General Jelly Roll, or does it have to be Rouenneries? Just a thought. Wish I could help. Hugs...
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